Thursday, 6 October 2011

A Teenagers Life Sucks...

So the good old English winter is starting to kick in now and I can honestly say i'm bloody freezing! Its times like this when i'm shivering in the house, sat there all on my own, and I just want that one boy to come and snuggle up to me! You see, since April I had been on and off dating this guy, and when we decided to give it a break, I never thought he'd go straight to my bestfriend! There was alot of drama and tears but things are starting to be okay again now. But to be honest, i'll always have a soft spot for him and my feeling for him aren't going to go in a hurry! On top of that, my parents are getting at me. They don't understand that teenage girls get mood swings and that I am going to snap once in a while - what teenager doesn't! I get home from school and i'm so tired so i'm not even getting any time for friends! Anyway, I have no sutible clothes for this weather anyway so there is no way i'm going out! Geez, sometimes I wish I had a magic lamp that I could just rub whenever I wanted and get what I need!

3 Wishes I'd Make If I Had A Magic Lamp:

1. A completely new wardrobe
2. For girls in my school to stop being so bitchy
3. For someone to care about me the way I'd care about them

There will be people who read this and will think i'm a complete dick, but at the end of the day, I have feelings and there will be plenty of people my age that will feel the same way as me!

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